
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Science Roadshow

Last week the 9Th of June the year 7&8’s walked down to Tamaki College to watch a show called the Science Roadshow. We went there because it was related to our topic Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger.

Each class went to Tamaki College at different times, also when we left we all were split into 6 groups and in each group there was 4 people so in my group there were Lesley, Beni, Miracle and Victoria who was our group leader.

When we got there a tall man said he called himself Paul so we called him Paul.
He told us if we would like to go for a wonder around to look at different sorts of technology and some of the stuff that was invented like the air ball, piano and Braille. We had to go into our group that Ms Tito had put us in.

As we were wondering around my group was all over the place, but not me and Victoria. The first place that we went to was sound, in there was some stuff that we hadn't seen in our life. The first thing that we saw was the magic hands The magic hands is something where you have to put your hands on these metal circles and once you do this a sound happens.


  1. Hi Tule
    It sounds like you had a lot of fun watching the Science Roadshow at Tamaki Collage.The place that you went to called sound looks pretty cool.Espically the first thing you saw.Although their is a little mistake in the 3rd paragraph.But apart from that I like your story.

  2. Hi Tule,
    hope you felt awesome.
    I thought that it was cool.
    I liked it when they did the fire experiment.

    By Tina
